Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thank you Augusto!

            I went on the Internet to unravel a great surprise! I found a couch through Couchsurfing! Augusto is going to host us and he seams really cool from what his profile looked liked! I'll tell you what, it was hard finding a couch! I got lucky because I e-mailed tons of couch surfing hosts while me and Frankie were waiting for the flight out of L.A. What I did was wrote one letter and mass e-mailed tons of people the same letter. Frankie told me to stop because I was making too many requests and I told her “let me do one more.” The only who could offer us a place to crash at the time was Augusto! Hell yea! The reason why it was so hard was because I gave all of them a day notice when I should have asked for help at least a week in advance, out of respect, so I understand why people couldn’t help us.

            Augusto was nice enough to offer us a ride from the hostel to his house because it’s cheaper that way and he was just being a nice guy. It was kind of cool because Augusto’s dad’s personal chofer picked us up with Augusto. Augusto lives with his parents and goes to college for movie production or some think like that. His house is badass and they have a Housekeeper who is a fantastic cook and a wonderful person! All of them are very sweet and kind.   

            The first day Augusto was real excited to introduce us to ceveche, a dish that is true Peruvian! It was so Good! What is it? It’s raw fish that is marinated in a lemon sauce with onions and a little hot pepper and what the lemon does is kind of cook it. It is real good and if you are a fan of sushi, you would love this dish! On top of that Augusto introduced us to a Peru drink called chicha morada, which is a purple corn drink. You might think weird! Well I did too, but when I tried it, it gave me a huge smile across the face! What it is, is purple corn that is boiled for a while and they added seasoning/spices like cloves, bay leaves and such. Yummm Yummm!

            We stayed with Augusto for about 3 days and the final day Augusto took Frankie to the dentist because her teeth was hurting for a good week and a half from her last visit with the dentist. Frankie went to the dentist just before she left for Peru to get a couple of cavities drilled,  and had pain ever since! I think teeth pain sucks big time! So any ways, Frankie went to the dentist to get her teeth ex-rayed to see what was the deal. It was a little stress full because we had to catch the bus to go to Cusco at about 2pm and her dentist appointment was at noon!

            After all was done Frankie got her top tooth re-drilled because it was the only way to check if the last dentist did a good job or not. They filled her teeth with a fake filling to see if the pain would remain after a week. By the time Frankie was done we had only 45 minutes to get to the bus station, but first we had to go back to Augusto’s house to get out stuff.

            Frankie wasn’t even packed and we had only a minute to get ready! Frankie was all stressed out and I was to, but we were lucky because Augusto let us keep most of our stuff at his house till we came back. We were only going to be gone for a week, so it was no problem. The reason why we were going to Cusco was because my real good friend RainaDay was going to be there and I wanted to see her and let Frankie meet her as well. Also I wanted to go to Machu Picchu! I have wanted to go to Machu Picchu for a very long time now! Now I get the chance!  Wahoooo!

            After all the worries about missing the bus and loosing our money because we paid in advance, we made it right on time and the stress is gone! The buses are very nice, big, and cheep! I am so excited because our trip so far has been wonderful, meeting wonderful people, and it is not so bad here at all! Well, I must get going because it is late now and until the next time, Cheers!

            Next stop Cusco!!!!            


  1. awesomeness!!! i miss you raysun!! my parents are in costa rica right now...i am so jealous of all of you ;-) hope to see you soon! the baby is due july 31st!!!!!


  2. Where did all the blogging go?? Can't wait to see more of your writings soon!
